Since 2017
November 2021: Heritage Digital Collection
A project in search for financing – Digitalisation of University Research
A virtual platform where researchers of CSAV Lab and the „Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning can work, upload, promote their work & collaborate at distance with international professors and researchers
A digital space dedicated to Architectural Heritage (not just Vernacular Heritage)
Possible digital tools to use 4D scanning, various softs Blender, Cloudcompare or Meshlab for the visualisation of the morphology, Metashape for 3D fotogrammetry, 3DHOP as an online medium to work and disseminate the work and research online : (following the model of the Laboratory for Digital Archeology, LUND, Sweden):
September 2021: Digital heritage_lab
When: 20th – 24th of September 2021
Where: Atelierul Experimental “Mac Popescu” – High Tech Learning Centre, UAUIM
Coordinators, jury & method :
A first exercise with digital collections of heritage artefacts through a workshop.
November 2017 – May 2018 : 3 GIS training modules – ArcGIS, ArcGIS Pro & CityEngine,
10 licenses for remote users (programs installed on their personal PCs and laptops)
Participants from all UAUIM Faculties.
With the special support of ESRI Romania
and their 5000 euro support in training, manuals & licenses.